Selling with Sandra - how to smash that glass ceiling

Setting Boundaries - don't put up with bad behaviour!

Season 1 Episode 61

How to establish Boundaries:-

Identify the Behaviour Early: Recognise signs of problematic behaviour from the client as early as possible, such as disrespect, unreasonable demands, or poor communication.

Communicate Expectations Clearly: From the outset, establish clear expectations, roles, responsibilities, and acceptable behavior to ensure mutual understanding.

Maintain Professionalism: Stay calm, respectful, and assertive. Never let a difficult client bring you down to their level.

Set Boundaries Firmly: Clearly communicate limits, including appropriate times for contact, acceptable communication methods, and professional boundaries regarding work scope.

Know When to Say No: Learn to decline unreasonable requests that go beyond the agreed-upon scope or violate your professional boundaries.

Document Everything: Keep a thorough record of all communications and agreements to protect yourself if issues escalate.

Offer Solutions, but Hold Your Ground: Provide alternative solutions when conflicts arise but stay firm in what you can and cannot do.

Know When to Walk Away: If a client continually violates boundaries and disrupts your business, it may be time to end the professional relationship.

Self-Care Matters: Working with difficult clients can be stressful. Prioritize self-care and seek support from colleagues or mentors when needed.

Be Honest with Yourself: Reflect on whether the client’s behavior is worth the effort and aligns with your business goals and values.

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