Selling with Sandra - how to smash that glass ceiling

How to handle a Bully💪🏻!

Season 1 Episode 39

We all experience interactions with people who are rude and hostile towards us from time to time. 

While it may seem like they do this simply because they don’t like us, the reality is that it often stems from something deeper. 

Most of the time, these people are trying to get a reaction out of you in order to make themselves feel better about their own circumstances. Whether it is due to personal issues or professional ones, desperate people will resort to desperate measures.

Here's the takeaway.  You don't have to deal with everyone.

If someone is treating you badly, constantly, walk away!
If someone is a narcissist, walk away!
If someone gets a kick out of pushing your buttons, walk away!

Life is too short.  There are too many good  clients and people out there to waste time and energy on a Narcissist. 


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