Selling with Sandra - how to smash that glass ceiling

Be Humble!

Sandra Carder Season 1 Episode 38

Using manners and being humble can be incredibly valuable not only when selling, but in any situation.

Being polite and humble helps foster strong relationships because it demonstrates respect for others, which leads to feelings of goodwill.

 On the other hand, failing to practice good manners or being arrogant can create animosity between people, ultimately making communication and collaboration difficult.  This is a business relationship killer.

Studies have shown that people who practice politeness tend to be more successful because they are perceived as more reliable, trustworthy, and likable.

Additionally, those with good manners have been found to be better liked by their peers while also receiving more help from them when needed. Lastly, using politeness and humility is beneficial in any situation because it conveys respect for others without implying superiority or dominance over them.

When it comes to humility, Forbes says it best: "True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less."

In other words, being humble isn't about putting yourself down or making yourself smaller; it's about having a realistic view of your own importance.

Here are some of the best ways to be humble, according to Forbes:

·      Acknowledge your successes, but don't dwell on them. Don't let your accomplishments go to your head; remember that they're not the only things that define you.

·      Be open to criticism and feedback. It can be difficult to hear negative feedback about ourselves, but it's important to be open to it. It can help us improve and grow as people.

·      Don't compare yourself to others. We all have our own unique talents and gifts, so there's no need to compare ourselves to others. Accepting ourselves for who we are is an important part of humility.

·      Be grateful for what you have. Instead of always focusing on what we don't have, let's take some time to appreciate the good things in our lives. From our family and friends to our health and homes, there's so much to be grateful for.

Stay Humble #sellingwithsandra #behumble #sales

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